Saturday, October 23, 2010


For some odd reason I believed I had recently updated this, instead of leaving it for well over a week. Though, I can say I haven't really been up to much, I've been mostly attending my lectures and preparing for two essays due in roughly two to three weeks from now, the topics being the evolution of the Global City and reasons why earthquake hazards become disasters/catastrophes. I have two other projects I need to start thinking on, though they aren't due until early December so I have plenty of time in that regard.

I've also been waiting on forms so I can receive a National Insurance number, similar to the Canadian Social Insurance number for those curious, so I can work. Those should hopefully arrive this week, and hopefully sooner rather than later as I would really like to get a job. I have lots of free time, but not a lot of disposable income to travel/go out often.

I have started to look for work, and the things that go along with it, such as preparing a CV that an employer in the UK would look at (there are differences from a resume in Canada, though they're kind of small), the HR staff at the University has been very helpful in giving me help on writing it, proofreading it and giving suggestions of how to organize it so it looks appealing. As soon as I can get to the library (thirty minute walk to the library and possibility the computers aren't working is very unappealing) so I can print off a summary for an application I'm submitting, I can submit said application. It's very tempting to  invest in a personal printer, and I've also submitted my CV for the Temp Bank at the university HR department.

I've spent some time with friends, notably Anne (either in the library, random bump intos along the way between the uni and home or going out as done tonight) or the Freeman Court Family.

And yeah, that's my exciting life. I'm currently in the market to make it more boring, but more busy at least!

I guess I could also say I've started looking at what I want to do Post-grad since it seems that the fourth year of my programme may be delayed and.. I really do not intend to give five years of my life to this BA when I could've finished it in two and a half years.


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