Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Looking for work, and finishing term one

Only a couple weeks remain before the first term finishes and the winter holidays begin. I'll be staying in the UK, as I am currently looking for work right now since I finally received my National Insurance number. Yay.

I haven't really been up to much, mostly doing my assignments, working on a "book proposal" now, which is just a fancy name for write an essay and give a list of topics that are explained briefly. The topic for that is the United Kingdom and all the changes that have gone on it, such as Devolution, Decolonization, and various other things. After that, I get to make a "poster", again, they're being funny and calling it that because it is just an essay on A3 paper with a map of Germany.

I attended a meet and greet between the exchange students that came to CCCU and the ones from CCCU that want to go on exchange. Only one person was interested in Canada, which we really were not surprised about, well, we were a bit, we figured nobody would be.

After that, I had an enjoyable tea time with some friends from Freeman Court, Riona, Katie, Laura and Anne while we watched the boys clean the kitchen.

Oh, and I did finally hear today that they will be fumigating my flat in order to get rid of the bugs, because the conventional sprays they've been using have had no affect. No idea when they'll do that, but we imagine they will do so in the Winter Holidays because almost nobody will be around (except me :( ), but I'm sure I'll figure out somewhere to stay if I need to leave my flat for a day or two.


Wednesday, November 17, 2010

New background

Those who do read this will now have noticed a new background, I was playing around with the templates on another blog I've started (not sharing the link at this time), and I noticed this one and loved it.

It just seemed so perfect!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rain, and more rain and lets throw in some fire alarms for fun

Okay, maybe it stopped today.

This last week has been a looooot of rain, my poor little umbrella wasn't able to stand up to it so it decided it was time to call it quits. That was the first day it rained this past week, I got very wet that day despite wearing my coat. Really, the reason was I never had a chance to dry off that day, as I needed to go to the library immediately after class and have the careers helpers look over my application form for my National Insurance number, to make sure I'd written it up correctly. I mailed that on the way to my next class, it's supposed to take two weeks to come back, but we'll see!

My lovely wonderful boyfriend has finally joined me, which is yay. The bugs seem to be leaving me.. somewhat alone. I still don't trust the creepy crawly little bastards, and I'm still afraid to look underneath my bed. I do really need to take the vacuum to it, but again, that fear that all of a sudden I'll see a bunch and revert back to being a little girl as I run away from my bedroom.

I have finished one essay, almost done another, and ready to start my last two for the Michaelmas term, which should be nice to have a bit of a break before starting my next assignments, the first due in February of the Lent term and the rest just following in March.

Hopefully I shall have my NI soon, so I can get work (and hopefully, I can get work).

It's kind of late, it's been an exciting last few days, I'm kind of writing this to get rid of the damnable writers block I'm having even though I have every single point to my essay planned out and waiting to be written. But nooooo, can't have that can we writers block, no indeed we cannot.

Well, nyah on you writers block. I will win, you will lose.

Anyways, in the last four days we have had three fire alarms, and for once they did not do their 10am fire alarm testing, I'm guessing they're rather aware that our alarms work considering all the ones we've been having lately, not to mention it went off later in the evening today.

Seems also on the 23rd I've "agreed" to speak to CCCU students wishing to study abroad in Canada, I don't recall this, but it doesn't particularly bother me either way if I do or don't. That should be interesting, maybe someone will want to visit Algoma for a semester or two, who knows!

I think I need to stop my ramblings for now, and head to bed, cheers!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I had a good title thought out earlier

But sadly, it has escaped my mind.

This past weekend has been first, the Gunpowder Plot and Treason day (Guy Fawkes day!) on Friday, secondly very quiet because I've been home alone, thirdly death to bugs and all bug kind, and fourthly time to get my first essay of the term finished. I have until 4pm to hand it in tomorrow, which is good because I want to ask my lecturer if I've formatted it correctly before handing it in. I normally don't do full drafts and edits on my papers, I'm usually fairly happy with my first and only make minor changes (yes, I know this is a terrible idea, but it's worked fairly well for me), but this, I want to do well so I tried. Keeping it under 1000 words and still getting my points across has been the biggest challenge for me, I should've done the first draft sooner, but I know for my second essay to do that (due on the 18th).

I've fallen in love with pasta bakes, I don't know why considering pasta has always been one of those things I've viewed as "Eh.. I guess I should eat it" type foods, it's definitely never been hated like soup has been, but it doesn't stand anywhere near the beloved potato. Penne (has to be penne, I love penne), creamy tomato sauce and cheese? What isn't great about it? Especially when you cut off a chunk of white cheddar, cut it up a bit, toss it over top for the microwave, mix it about halfway through and then eat with joy.

As for the bugs.. well, I tend to see them once a week or so, so not sure if the spray is working. I did find one crushed underneath my shoe this morning, that was.. interesting. I can say for sure I promptly ran to the kitchen, grabbed our poor little vacuum and did my room again. It didn't want to work at first, I was afraid it had died on us we've been vacuuming so much! I'll have to report it if it keeps acting up, I just hope we get a cute little vacuum with a face again if it has to be replaced.

I've also received my forms for my National Insurance number (fiiiinnnaaalllllllly), I worked on it a bit yesterday (first needed to go to ASDA's and buy black pens because surprisingly I didn't bring any..), I also got a cute highlighter set which is good because mine like to die on me and it's nice to have backups. Tomorrow I'm heading to the drop-in sessions I used to get my CV set up, to ask them if they can look over the forms between my two classes (I'll need to print off my answers for Goodbye Lenin! anyways, and look for some more research books for my next research essay). I've already decided, first thing I do when I get a job, buy a bloody printer.

Not much else going on, very excited for the end of the week!


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween and in to November

Well, I wish I could say I've been leading an entirely super exciting life, but the thing is, I've been mostly living and enjoying for the most part my little adventure in England. Most of my excitement these days tend to come from the rush of adrenaline, fear, panic and a complete loss of sense when I turn into a little girl and scream at the sight of bugs.

Yep, I have bugs in my room again, and I'm not the only one as one of my flatmates does too (we don't like our new flatmate, the dreaded bugs). Our poor vacuum seems to have taken the news of the new flatmate quite harshly, he's almost burned out. That was Halloween, that ungrateful jerk of a flatmate went about scaring us all senseless.

I'll even post a picture to our evil flatmate: New Flatmate, evil bastard

Otherwise, it's essay season. My Global Cities essay is coming along though I sometimes just sit and stare at it thinking "well, what now?" and my earthquake essay is ready to go as soon as I finish the first one. Then I have to do a map of Germany and some strange project in another class.
