Sunday, November 7, 2010

I had a good title thought out earlier

But sadly, it has escaped my mind.

This past weekend has been first, the Gunpowder Plot and Treason day (Guy Fawkes day!) on Friday, secondly very quiet because I've been home alone, thirdly death to bugs and all bug kind, and fourthly time to get my first essay of the term finished. I have until 4pm to hand it in tomorrow, which is good because I want to ask my lecturer if I've formatted it correctly before handing it in. I normally don't do full drafts and edits on my papers, I'm usually fairly happy with my first and only make minor changes (yes, I know this is a terrible idea, but it's worked fairly well for me), but this, I want to do well so I tried. Keeping it under 1000 words and still getting my points across has been the biggest challenge for me, I should've done the first draft sooner, but I know for my second essay to do that (due on the 18th).

I've fallen in love with pasta bakes, I don't know why considering pasta has always been one of those things I've viewed as "Eh.. I guess I should eat it" type foods, it's definitely never been hated like soup has been, but it doesn't stand anywhere near the beloved potato. Penne (has to be penne, I love penne), creamy tomato sauce and cheese? What isn't great about it? Especially when you cut off a chunk of white cheddar, cut it up a bit, toss it over top for the microwave, mix it about halfway through and then eat with joy.

As for the bugs.. well, I tend to see them once a week or so, so not sure if the spray is working. I did find one crushed underneath my shoe this morning, that was.. interesting. I can say for sure I promptly ran to the kitchen, grabbed our poor little vacuum and did my room again. It didn't want to work at first, I was afraid it had died on us we've been vacuuming so much! I'll have to report it if it keeps acting up, I just hope we get a cute little vacuum with a face again if it has to be replaced.

I've also received my forms for my National Insurance number (fiiiinnnaaalllllllly), I worked on it a bit yesterday (first needed to go to ASDA's and buy black pens because surprisingly I didn't bring any..), I also got a cute highlighter set which is good because mine like to die on me and it's nice to have backups. Tomorrow I'm heading to the drop-in sessions I used to get my CV set up, to ask them if they can look over the forms between my two classes (I'll need to print off my answers for Goodbye Lenin! anyways, and look for some more research books for my next research essay). I've already decided, first thing I do when I get a job, buy a bloody printer.

Not much else going on, very excited for the end of the week!


1 comment:

  1. Your day to day blog is becoming more like a week to week blog slipping into a month to month blog..
