Thursday, August 12, 2010


I finished the Visa application today, and I have an appointment for it on Thursday at 11:15am at the Eaton Centre. I still need my fingerprints but dear god is it hard to find a place to get it done. I may just march into the police station and ask for it heh, the only way I'll get a reply back I guess.

I was asked if I could write a paper about my experiences in doing so, I've already started because I think it will be fun and really it's been a process a year in the making. Ups and downs so far, but it seems to be all coming together. I'll have to try and call and ask if it'll be okay if I don't have my fingerprints done in time for the appointment, or if I need to reschedule it.

Anyways, tomorrow and Saturday I will be at my Vavo's funeral and visitation, as she passed away recently so I wont get to think about this very much at all.

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