Sunday, October 10, 2010

Uh.. been awhile!

It’s been awhile, and I haven’t been updating really. There’s a reason, if I haven’t been feeling a bit on the ill side, I’ve been stressed out and frustrated, and I really didn’t want to write posts like that, or.. really do anything.

My biggest complaint in the last little while is Christ Church really doesn’t seem to know anything about me, this has been like this pretty much since I arrived. I had been put in with the American history groups that are here, sent to a history lecturer in order to choose my classes and Geography having no idea I existed, let alone that I was supposed to be in the Geography modules. Going to pay for my accommodation, or at least finding out information about it? I don’t show up on the system because I’m classified as a group, I’d already been here a month when they told me that.

Getting my money transferred here, oh that was fun! I went in to a shop that does Western Union Transfers, called the Money Shop, and filled out the forms and handed them in only to be told that there was no account by the number I had been given, not only that, when I called to find out what was going on, I was told my account had already been paid. I went in to ask about it, to find out that when they say that, it means that someone has gone and picked up the transfer already. Yes, they told me someone had picked up my money transfer, which requires identification such as a passport, a specific code and details regarding who it was sent by, who is receiving and how much is expected. I had already been having a few shitty days at this point (because of Blizzard shutting my account down for suspicious behaviour and being a pain in the ass to contact thanks to lovely time differences), I was stressed out and trying to control myself in order to get back to a normal calm, this really did not help and in fact, it made it a great deal worse. I burst out in tears in the shop, which I had pretty much been told someone had stolen my money (around 1600 pounds). I had to make an emergency call to my mother about it, and thank god for her patience in this because she had to put up with my own panic, her own panic and Western Union.

What happened to my money? They deemed it was a suspicious account and returned it. The bank gave the wrong contact number, so we were never notified about it. My mum had to go back to Western Union, retrieve the money and send it again, and send me all the information. The next day, I went to go print off the information, only to find out the computer system at the university was down, only a few students could sign on, PDFs and various other documents couldn’t be saved or opened from the university computers. I don’t have a printer in my dorm, I have to rely on the university printers, I was kind of screwed at this point. So I had to email my mum again stating I couldn’t get the document to open, and needed her to email me the details in plain text. After that, I had to go back to the Money Shop, fill out forms again, and finally, I had my money.

So, this Thanksgiving weekend, I’m very thankful, for my mum and all her patience in putting up with me, my friends and flatmates for being wonderful and understanding, the school staff for helping get everything sorted out finally, and the ability to honestly just go out and walk around and find something new (well, old) and just get lost in the history of it.

Also, we Canadians of Parham Road are hosting a Thanksgiving dinner since the University is hosting one for the Americans in November, but not us. We get to bring our new friends in to something of our culture, while they add bits of their own. Sounds like a normal Thanksgiving dinner to me!


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