Thursday, December 9, 2010

In the land of snow, ice and rain

Okay, maybe not the snow bit anymore.

Yep, haven’t updated in awhile, there’s a good reason. It is end of term one, which means –everything- is due, and it wasn’t until 4pm today that all of my projects were finished and handed in, which means, after a very stressful week, I’m finally able to relax, aside from two lectures (tomorrow and Friday) and winter holidays begin after my Friday lecture.  Yay!

Something else happened, it snowed here in the UK, not just a simple dusting, no, we got around a foot of snow for two days, and on top of that, we had two snow days! I haven’t had a real snow day in like forever, so it was the greatest thing ever, I tried to work on my assignments, but there was just that time where it was all big and fluffy flakes that I said screw it, threw on my winter stuff and asked my housemates if they were coming out with me! Hayley and Emma joined me, me and Emma watched as a car towed a lorry up the hill our residence is built on because it was icy and full of snow, and then when Hayley came out and joined us we walked around the student village in look for untouched snow to make snow angels. Afterwards we started up a snowball fight between the three of us, we plastered Hayley pretty good, and in attempts to get Jess to come outside, we started tossing snowballs at her window.

All in all, the two snow days were great fun, was a little disappointed when it rained Saturday morning and the snow was all gone, and the library still closed early, but all of my assignments due last Friday and this past Monday got extensions due to library closure so it worked out in the end.

Looking forward to this weekend, not just because it starts my vacation, but I’ll have a guest over, and hopefully I’ll get to go to London soon and see all the Christmas decorations and maybe spend some time in the British Museum.


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