Monday, December 20, 2010

Snow snow snow

It's winter holidays here, I have a month off and I haven't really done anything at all, so this is more of a yeah, I do remember this occasionally.

It did however start snowing Saturday afternoon here, and it has been enough to disrupt travel systems in pretty much all of the UK, flights have been cancelled in the UK and through parts of Northern Europe, it's actually not much snow at all, the biggest problem is that it isn't going away and there's forecasts for more.

This was our storm: 

Yeah, this caused a bit of havoc.

Yesterday I went out shopping with Anne, I didn't really get anything, we went to go see the Cathedral:

Looks quite pretty! 

And I don't really have much more to say, not a whole lot has been happening aside from taking care of a plant and snow.

Happy Holidays!


  1. I wanted to experience a white Christmas just like the picture I saw in this website, is the shot in London ?

  2. I am glad you have someone to spend the holidays with! We have been hearing a lot about the snow in Europe on the news and I always think of you when they talk about it. Enjoy your time off.. Buy a puzzle or paint a picture or... or...
    Hugs!! Tante Lisbeth
