Sunday, January 2, 2011

And it's a new year

Hello everyone, it’s been awhile since I posted. Well, kinda, there just hasn’t been a lot going on, or when there is, no time to post!

So for the middle bit of the holidays, I spent it with my boyfriend, he made his way to Canterbury on the 24th and we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas day together. I cooked dinner, but he did help. It was a small roast beef, with some carrots, broccoli and cauliflower in a cheese sauce (I read the instructions wrong, but it kinda turned mushy anyways so I didn’t like it but Mike did) and mashed potatoes on the side. I even had some gravy to go with it, which I’m sure my family reading this will be very surprised to hear. We spent the rest of the evening watching movies, since we got four (The Hangover, Watchmen, Hurt Locker, and Robin Hood, I really liked the Hangover!).

On the 28th we headed to London, I didn’t get any pictures this time but I’m hoping to go again once the bus tickets go down a bit more, but on the way in I did get to see Parliament, Big Ben, the Eye (giant ferris wheel), and of course the Thames (on my way out, I saw the Thames, but it wasn’t a nice part of it that’s for sure), I also got to ride the Tube which was.. interesting. I’d always imagined the trains used in the underground would be a little bigger, they aren’t small but they don’t feel big at all.

I did end up having a migraine while I was at Mikes, so we didn’t get out much. The place he was seemed quite nice, quiet for the most part aside from screaming foxes, which I did get to see because they liked wandering up to the back door. I didn’t get to see the “pet” mouse that the house has, we figured he’d been on vacation since he didn’t come out at all.

That or he’s looking for a part time job:

I just got home today, haven’t done much aside from water the plant since I was gone so long (it’s not looking so good anymore.. Sorry Hayley), throw a load of washing on, make dinner and speak to my mum and grandparents so they knew I had gotten back home safe.

So I hope everyone had a Happy Holidays (Mine still have not ended) and everyone has a Happy New Year!


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