Friday, January 14, 2011

Back to classes

I'm back in classes now, though it's been a strange first week. I am now attending two classes that are 5pm-7pm, which is monday and thursday while the other classes have remained in the same time slot most of the rooms have changed.

Anyone who knows me well knows I absolutely hate walking in the dark, so those two time changes have resulted in a very blah feeling about the classes, but luckily it's starting to stay light juuuust a liiiiiittle bit longer, so it wont be long until I get to walk home during day hours.

Though, I didn't have one of those classes this week, as it was cancelled, one of my lecturers had an accident, and hopefully she'll be recovered soon.

So far discussions have been about gated communities, what they mean and how they will affect the future of American cities and the rise and collapse of the Irish Economy (the Republic, not Northern Ireland), still waiting on my one lecturer to reply back to say whether the article I have chosen is appropriate or not, hope he does soon.

Aside from that, I've been running around doing errands, either receiving money transfers from Western Union or trying to figure out how best to cash a foreign cheque (Bank is 7-8 pound charge, plus up to 30 waiting days, Money Shop had a significant amount of handling charges that would've cost me like a months worth of food, but was immediate, guess which one I went for! Hint, it's the smaller charge).

It's also my housemate Hayley's birthday today, so happy birthday to her and it was Emma's not too long ago so another to her!

Now to head off to my final class of the week, tomorrow, London!


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