Thursday, February 3, 2011

New month, new update

I've started my projects for this term already, despite every single one being due in March. I'm taking a look mostly at the ones for my Cities and Regions of Risk, an essay and a presentation. I've found a couple books for the essay on France's suburbs, and a website from the SSRC which I can use, and the books for Coastal hazards were far easier because there is more written on it in English.

Aside from boring school work, I've been hanging out with my housemates more and more, we've been putting  together movie nights, or on one occasion, gathering together to buy alcohol from ASDA and playing drinking games in the kitchen, and even on occasion, continuing to get together and go to the library to get work done. We've introduced Emma to zombie films, the Resident Evil series, Zombieland and Shaun of the Dead, which has been fun!

I will be away this weekend, off to visit Luton and my boyfriend for a nice relaxing weekend, and next weekend I am off to Wales to do some sightseeing along the coast and mountains. Yes, I am actually leaving England for the first time, I know, it's gasp worthy it's so surprising. When I get back from Wales I'll try and put some pictures up, I'm looking forward to the trip, but waking up by 5am to catch the transport at 6:20am is not going to be pleasant, but at least I wont be alone, I'll be travelling with Anne.

That's my life currently,


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