Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Testing the Waters of a New Blogging Medium

As the title says, I've recently stumbled on to Tumblr through a friend linking a website and I'm giving it a go since this one will be ending when I return to Canada and I may still keep up with the occasional blog post.

Anyone want an update? I haven't been up to much, the Easter Holidays here were almost a month of being on my own and just doing my own thing. Exams are coming up, in a little over a month I return to Canada, spring and summer weather seem to go hand in hand.

My housemates are back now at least, which is rather nice, although I am still unconvinced they aren't figments of my imagination. Time will tell!

Also, since the new blog is nowhere near what I want it to be yet (and some of you on facebook may have noticed it was connected for a little bit, but that was just a couple tests), so I wont be linking it until I am happy with it and have it set up as I want for the time being.

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