Monday, March 28, 2011

Easter Break time

Just a small update, I’m on break and everything has been finished since the 22nd of March. They sure like their breaks here, considering I have nothing until one revision lecture (maybe) in the last week of April, and a week of exams between the 10th and 17th of May, woo hoo. I don’t think I’ve ever missed not having a job so much. Also, as a small side note, I’m not going back to Canada until June 1st, so that’s another few weeks of doing nothing ha!

On the fair side, I have started going on walks when the weather is nice enough, or doing some exercises in my bedroom when I have no desire to go outside. Since the university library as a good amount of films, I’ve been borrowing them as well, this past week I’ve had Blade Runner, The Book of Eli and The Queen. I enjoyed all three of them, I’ve seen The Book of Eli before, and wasn’t sure about Blade Runner but it did seem familiar while I watched it so I’ve at least seen bits before, and The Queen, oh I adored that film. Prince Phillip (Queen Elizabeth’s husband) and the Queens Mother were just played by two wonderful actors that helped cheer the mood from time to time, and Helen Mirren of course was just great, though she’s in a couple other films I love as great parts too, so it just fits! Other films include: The Prince of Egypt as the Queen and National Treasure 2 as Emily (she’s also in Inkheart, which I thought was okay, but that doesn’t exactly fall into “films I love”)

I’m also heading up to Luton this Thursday, so at least I’ll be out of the flat for awhile!

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