Thursday, September 16, 2010

And here's the rest

Wednesday, September 15th 2010,

Had to wake up early again, still was not sleeping very well so not a lot of sleep was to be had that night, and I only got up at 9:30am, though I had set my alarm for 8:30am, and I finally left by 10:00am. I had to walk, again, to the Hepworth building and meet with Ken to once more, discuss classes. This time, I left with a class list and when I asked questions about it he mentioned I should refer back to Algoma for more information about how many I can, and should take and how this is all going to work out. I sent off an email, but I’m still waiting on that reply. I had to choose some classes, just to get me started until things are figured out on everybody’s end, I chose Cities, Western Europe, Regions of Risk and Space, Place and Politics going off the assumption that each class is equal to a six credit course, because it goes on through all three terms. I’m going to need to speak with Nicole back at Algoma to see if I can apply for the extension, since I actually do have a summer semester and I’m able to choose enough classes.

Afterwards, I just walked home, behind the university is some old ruins, I hated myself for not having my camera and I keep forgetting to go back, I will at some point. I have most of the year. After getting back, I cleaned up my room a bit, mostly stuff from unpacking and I just hadn’t found a good home for it yet, and then took some pictures around the kitchen, hall, room and flat. Amazingly enough, not long after this, the repair guys came in to fix my cable outlet for the internet, I was happy with my clean room. Chatted and joked around with them while they were fixing it, and then thanked them for it when they finished and it all worked again. Was wonderful to be able to sit here without worrying about my cable falling out randomly and disconnecting me while I was doing something.

I can’t say the rest of my day was too eventful, I was tired, I grabbed some sealable containers from ASDA and some laundry detergent so I can wash my clothes when I have enough for a load, watched some movies when I got back and finally, since I arrived, had my first hot shower. I have showered since I arrived, however, ice showers are not fun. Hot water is wonderful, awesome and most beloved, I hope it never leaves again. I will be terribly sad.

Thursday, September 16th 2010
Finally, today! I got an email from Ken about my course selections today before I left, I didn’t sleep well again, but I’m hoping this stops soon, but he told me I was right in my assumption about how classes worked here. I got a bit lost on my way to the Augustine House, but made it only a bit late to the welcoming for the Tier 4 students and the other international students. They talked about what was around Canterbury and Kent, things we should go see before exploring further past the county. After that was done, we were let out to go get something to eat and drink, then we came back to discuss registering with a doctor, and why this was a good idea! So that was done, I have a doctor, I’m going to be registered for a health card number or something, they’ll get back to us about that. Still need travellers insurance, because that actually covers the costs, though it’s free to visit a doctor in the UK.

Afterwards, there was a session about Tier 4 Visa, which explained the rules and what to do for an extension. It was very distinctly something meant for people who were studying for their full degree here, the three of us on exchange weren’t really sure what to make of it since we don’t really fit in either programme they have set up to welcome and help the two different groups of international students. Immigration in the UK, well, the information around it, is heavily regulated by the government and no advice can be given professionally without an OISC certification, though this and the paper I will be writing is okay (I asked) because it’s essentially opinion and experience, and I must say that it was based on my experiences and try not to use advice so much (haha). Laura Spencer, the International Advisor, spoke to us about an Entry Clearance Correction Scheme that she runs in order to fix any mistakes or problems on the visas, and of something called a Schengan Visa which may or may not be needed to travel throughout Europe. More information definitely required there.

We wanted to explore, and really it was getting more difficult to sit around in the Augustine House not doing much when we wanted to explore, so we left and walked around the town centre some more until Jeromi had to get back for an outing with his housemates. Anne decided to go nap, and I decided I was going to go back to the Run of the Mill (pub up the street with wi-fi), and just relaxed. It’s not something I plan to do every day, but it’s nice to do every couple days because it’s relaxing and has a really nice atmosphere, and I can enjoy myself doing the things I normally would be doing. Plus, I’m not exactly missing out on anything considering it shows football (soccer), various other sports that are popular in the UK and plays music both popular around the world and in the UK.

I still don’t have any roommates, so my hallway is feeling a bit lonely but I’m sure I’ll feel differently in a week once the British students have moved in. I’m at least getting my appetite back too, which is just always good. While messing around with my mobile (I swear it hates my room), I went out front and met some more students from the UK, they gave me big hugs saying how they loved Canada (Canadia as one said) and Canadians, and invited me to spend time around. Anyways, things are getting better.  

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