Monday, September 20, 2010

What can I say?

These last few days has either been a lot of lying around, sleeping, running around, or getting super lost.

I can say, I for sure know my way to both the North Holmes Campus and Augustine House, both places I will be spending a lot of time in once classes actually start.. and before apparently since I've been at one or the either every day including the weekends. I also know how to get to the city centre, though that's not that difficult considering just about every turn will bring you there!

I also know how to get unbelievably lost in the city centre. Go figure haha.

I did finally explore Castle Wall, a gorgeous roman wall from the third century which has been touched up in places with red brick, and the Dane John Park which has a mound, a cool labyrinth play park, huge and ancient trees, World War Two ammunition shelters, fountains, sculpture, et cetera. At the end of the wall is Canterbury Castle, a beautiful old ruin that you're allowed to enter and explore. Largely all that remains of it are the outer walls, but definitely worth  a visit if the chance ever comes up.

After my first attempt to explore the Castle and surrounding area, I ended up very lost. Sadly, that day I had been carrying my laptop in my bag and after a few hours even something that light feels really heavy.

Before exploring and getting lost, I'd been at an information fair for international students which gave information about the various support groups, student union, local emergency services and so on, they gave out a neat key chain which is in the shape and size of a pound and can be used for carts and trolleys.

Afterwards, I've been going out to the frosher pubs, since it lasts two weeks here and I felt like going out for once and having a good time. I met several new people, Riona, Andrew, Eoghan, my two flatmates Emma and Jess who just moved in in the last couple days, and many, many others.

Starting to cook more, and get things sorted, for example today I attended a programme orientation which was for first year students but they suggested the Exchange Students attend in order to meet the Lecturers and learn more about how the courses were handled. I had to fill out more forms for the school regarding my international status, and went up to the Geography Department and sorted out my classes, just need to find out if I need to switch them around any or not!

Aside from that, I can say I have definitely been a vegetable the last couple days, and eaten plenty of them too, and have enjoyed my bed. My classes don't start until next week, the first week I was here was get the International Students settled in, second week is move in the UK students and start the first year classes, next week.. well, I guess I'll finally be starting!

Looking forward to that, anyways, though I'm sure I'll grumble I bit once it starts. Cheers for now.

1 comment:

  1. Room mates have become flat mates! What classes will you take?
