Saturday, September 11, 2010

Today is the Day

My flight takes off tonight at the Pearson International Airport, at 9:55pm EST, to say I'm not nervous would be wrong. I'm fairly nervous, but I am also very excited to finally be going, and done.

The visa process itself has been highly frustrating to me, and for my family who has helped me complete all the documents I needed to fill in. It is done however, enough said, I will be writing a paper on it soon enough. As of tomorrow morning, 9:55am GMT I can put that behind me, and focus on my new adventure.

I'll miss home, of course, I can't imagine not missing it. I'm pulling the same funny cycle of moving in the direction of eight hours (Sault Ste. Marie is about eight hours driving from Toronto, the UK is about eight hours flying from Toronto). Going up to the Soo this last week reminded me why I moved up north, it's lovely, wonderful and just feels nice to go up there.

Anyways, everything is packed (I hope!) and I'm just about ready to fly.

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