Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Happy Halloween and in to November

Well, I wish I could say I've been leading an entirely super exciting life, but the thing is, I've been mostly living and enjoying for the most part my little adventure in England. Most of my excitement these days tend to come from the rush of adrenaline, fear, panic and a complete loss of sense when I turn into a little girl and scream at the sight of bugs.

Yep, I have bugs in my room again, and I'm not the only one as one of my flatmates does too (we don't like our new flatmate, the dreaded bugs). Our poor vacuum seems to have taken the news of the new flatmate quite harshly, he's almost burned out. That was Halloween, that ungrateful jerk of a flatmate went about scaring us all senseless.

I'll even post a picture to our evil flatmate: New Flatmate, evil bastard

Otherwise, it's essay season. My Global Cities essay is coming along though I sometimes just sit and stare at it thinking "well, what now?" and my earthquake essay is ready to go as soon as I finish the first one. Then I have to do a map of Germany and some strange project in another class.


1 comment:

  1. wow bug invasion! i have never seen that kind, did you manage at least to get rid of them ?
