Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Rain, and more rain and lets throw in some fire alarms for fun

Okay, maybe it stopped today.

This last week has been a looooot of rain, my poor little umbrella wasn't able to stand up to it so it decided it was time to call it quits. That was the first day it rained this past week, I got very wet that day despite wearing my coat. Really, the reason was I never had a chance to dry off that day, as I needed to go to the library immediately after class and have the careers helpers look over my application form for my National Insurance number, to make sure I'd written it up correctly. I mailed that on the way to my next class, it's supposed to take two weeks to come back, but we'll see!

My lovely wonderful boyfriend has finally joined me, which is yay. The bugs seem to be leaving me.. somewhat alone. I still don't trust the creepy crawly little bastards, and I'm still afraid to look underneath my bed. I do really need to take the vacuum to it, but again, that fear that all of a sudden I'll see a bunch and revert back to being a little girl as I run away from my bedroom.

I have finished one essay, almost done another, and ready to start my last two for the Michaelmas term, which should be nice to have a bit of a break before starting my next assignments, the first due in February of the Lent term and the rest just following in March.

Hopefully I shall have my NI soon, so I can get work (and hopefully, I can get work).

It's kind of late, it's been an exciting last few days, I'm kind of writing this to get rid of the damnable writers block I'm having even though I have every single point to my essay planned out and waiting to be written. But nooooo, can't have that can we writers block, no indeed we cannot.

Well, nyah on you writers block. I will win, you will lose.

Anyways, in the last four days we have had three fire alarms, and for once they did not do their 10am fire alarm testing, I'm guessing they're rather aware that our alarms work considering all the ones we've been having lately, not to mention it went off later in the evening today.

Seems also on the 23rd I've "agreed" to speak to CCCU students wishing to study abroad in Canada, I don't recall this, but it doesn't particularly bother me either way if I do or don't. That should be interesting, maybe someone will want to visit Algoma for a semester or two, who knows!

I think I need to stop my ramblings for now, and head to bed, cheers!

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